Partnering with GKFF

Our strategic approach focuses on these core areas of impact: Early Childhood Development and Education; Community Well-being and Justice; City Vibrancy and Strong Neighborhoods.
GKFF does not accept unsolicited proposals. Instead, we partner directly with community-based organizations and service providers working in areas of shared interest that present a clear, actionable plan aligned with our mission.
We also provide one-time Accelerator Grants to increase access to funding and support for historically disadvantaged and underfunded nonprofits that do not currently receive GKFF funding.
We welcome the chance to share our strategies and outcomes with foundations, cities, governments and changemakers around the world. We actively pursue opportunities to learn from others and seek to serve as a model of success that can help inform and inspire best practices.
For more information, get in touch with us below.
Get in touch
Please contact with any questions about working with our foundation.